
Cookies allow for features such as keeping items in the shopping cart to be maintained for future visits. We may collect data such as cookies, web logs and action tags to monitor your browsing preferences to allow for smoother use of our site, helping us provide the most user friendly experience possible.

Cookies work through a process of creating small amounts of text, about information such as your IP address, browser and selection preferences on the site. This data is then transferred between the server and web browser each time a user accesses our server. Cookies maintain information and track and authenticate site preferences or content that you have previously used to enable elements such as cart retention or automatic login.  Cookies are an option that is presented by your browser and you are able to deactivate them at any time, although declining cookies may deactivate certain features of the website. 

We may use markers to collect non-personal information such as: website performance and efficiency, number of visitors to the site or on emails to see whether an email is opened or not. This data may be sent to a third party company, keeping each user anonymous to create statistics to help us improve how our site is functioning and make it more accessible to you the consumer.